What is MedCareComplete?
A bundle of services constructed to save you time, money and hassle while simplifying your life.
Plan Rules:
Eligibility: Eligible full-time employees working 20 or more hours per week, spouse, & children through age 26
This is a supplemental benefit and does not replace health insurance.
Register @ MCC: to access the full range of benefits
Register @ 1800MD: or (800) 388-8785 to access telemedicine benefits
MedCareComplete Phone Number: 1-866-610-3619
Contact Campus Benefits for assistance with claims.
Call 1-866-433-7661, option 5

Click the video below to learn more about MedCareComplete!
Medical Bill Negotiator
Identifies errors and overcharges on your medical bills. 80% of medical bills submitted achieve 40% savings on average.
Medication Management
For members and their families who suffer from chronic or poly-chronic conditions. The home delivery service is available for those who take more than four maintenance medications per day.
24/7 access to a board-certified doctor to consult on acute illnesses and prescribe medicine if needed.
Restoration Expert
Identity theft risk management specialist can assess your identity theft situation, and move forward with a fully managed resolution.
Expense Reimbursement
This service provides you with a $25,000 insurance policy to reimburse expenses caused by identity theft.
Medical & ID Theft Monitoring
High-risk transaction alerts help you to maintain awareness when someone has breached your information online.
Compare & Save Networks
A free health and wellness discount program with a national network of over 59,000 pharmacies to help save on prescriptions. Members also gain access to discounts on a wide variety of health products and services such as dental, vision, hearing, and more!
Social Media Tracking
Receive instant notifications of potential reputation damaging items directed at you or a family member, including cyber bullying, cyber predators, and more.
Sex Offender Alerts
Register for alerts to notify you of move in/outs of registered sex offenders within 5 miles of an identified address